This British drama follows a day in the lives of four poor youths living in an impoverished neighborhood in West London, where the pressure and desperation of poverty propels each of them towards the choice between a life of bleakness, violence, and crime, and the terrifying prospect of striving for a better life.
In our short film we tried to make something similar in a variety of different ways including:
Sound: The music used both in Kidulthood and our short film is of the Grime\HipHop genre which appeals to the target of urbanities who can relate to the happenings in the film
Language: The language used in Kidulthood is of the Jamaican known as 'patois' or 'Jafaican' which is a term coined to define a recent dialect of English, spoken mainly in inner city London. Whereas our short film is in English but more inner city Manchester slang to show the less intellectual skills they have than middle class people living in Manchester.
Mise-en-Scene: The clothing worn by the actors in kidulthood is commonly street wear which is usually worn by the average teenager, we portrayed this in our short film by dressing our characters in dark clothing consisting of hoodies , trainers so the audience will start thinking about what will happen. The setting of Kidulthood is mostly backstreets, council houses and public transport this reflects the inner city realities, our short film take place under a inner city motorway which may give the audience a sense of believability and authenticity towards our short film.
Audience: The primary target audience of Kidluthood is mostly urbanities and teenagers who would be able to relate to the context of the text. Also it may be able to relate to audiences who are in authority in the country e.g government who can tackle issue raised in the film. The audience our short film was aimed at is mostly black youths of a working class type because of the characters portrayed in our film but it can appeal to other ethnicity's of urban and teenage type because of the ages of our characters.
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