Friday 8 April 2011

Media Product Questions

How does your media product represent particular social group?

Our media product represents particular social groups such as groups that are into action, comedy genre films, and social groups that are inner city such as the film. our film as well as appeal to people of the comedy/action genre it will appeal to the youth of our society (15-21) as it is quite modern and has a urban feel to it. Our film will also appeal to the male gender simply because of the main genre of the film…

What kind of media institution would distribute your media product and why?

Universal is the kind of distributor that’ll distribute our film because it has distributed such films as ‘American Gangster’ because it has the same genre. Revolver is a low budget company that has distributed such films as ‘dead man running’ and would most likely be interested in distributing our film. revolver is more suitable to distribute our because they deal with more independent movies, also we would want to keep the film as british as possible.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for our film is 15+ years old. And we aim for a mass audience because the film genre will appeal to many teenagers and the inner city has many teenagers that will come and watch the film. but being a action film/drama/comedy it's genre it's self appeals to a mass audience. 

How did you attract/ address your audience?

The way we attracted our audience was mainly word of mouth. Word of mouth is good because it’s a free effective way of helping distribute of film. We attracted the audience because at the end of the trailer it makes you think what is going to happen next…

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The things I’ve learnt about using the cameras are the different shot, like close up’s, still shots, long shots etc…
From the preliminary task we learnt to do the 180-degree rule (over the shoulders) to show that there is a conversation going on…

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