Wednesday 2 March 2011

Dealership (Action/Thriller/Comedy

The opening of a short film:  Dealership!  Genre: Action/thriller/comedy. (Main Task)

Duration: 2 MINUTES/2 1/2 MINUTES

Audience: 15-16+ includes limited strong language and drug dealing scenes

Resume: Opening scene: Starts off with Ramiel meeting up with the local ‘druggie’ (John). Sells  $5,000 worth of drugs to him. John runs off with the drugs, and keeps the money…
Ramiel runs after him persuing John through the Mancunian subway , but John is too fast and gets away…
Ramiel then receives a phone call from drug lord (Victor) The conversation carries on … Victor then meets up with Ramiel, Ramiel then explains to Victor that he has been robbed. Victor then threatens Ramiel and tells him he wants to meet up. Ramiel meets up with victor and they have a convosation ending in victor instructing Ramiel to bring him his money and he has 24 hours.
Suggested elements:

Performance (shown above)

Costume: John & Ramiel in ordinary black clothing,Victor dressed in a suit because he’s the drug lord and shows his Authority in the scene…
also the use of a bandana in the drug exchange would suggest † gang affiliation.
Victors red tie would suggest danger as he is a drug lord.

Props: Bag(with the fake drugs in) and a bag (with money in)  Phones to call each other. (Victor,John & Ramiel) 
Bin, used to scare Ramiel and show that Victor has a violent side.

Key locations: Mancuian Way subway

Title/Opening credits: Title ‘Dealership’

RECORDING DAYS: The approximate time that would be spent on the film, in one day. And editing would be used to cut, and make the ‘flashback’ effect in the scene…

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